Collaborative. Dynamic. Intentional.
Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) is a high-performing, regionally-focused partner providing community development, economic development and transportation initiatives in central Minnesota. Our programs are strategic and resilient in nature, and contain an inclusive and collaborative approach, with an emphasis on local foods/agricultural and renewable energy economy.
We are committed to helping the region respond to challenges by implementing strategies that expand the focus within regional economic development and local Comprehensive Plans to include pandemic response strategies, as well as diversifying technical assistance and other opportunities offered to small businesses. R5DC harnesses the power of regional collaboration to collectively raise the economic prospects of our region. North Central Economic Development Association (NCEDA), our non-profit lending arm, facilitates five lending programs for businesses and two homeowner lending programs, for well-water and septic systems.
School Districts
Tribal Nation
Year Established

The purpose of the Region Five Development Commission is to insure the orderly and harmonious coordination of state, federal, and local comprehensive planning and development programs for the solution of economic, social, physical and governmental problems of the state and its citizens.
Cass County
Bob Kangas, County Commissioner
Jerecho Worth, Municipalities
Reno Wells, Town Boards
Crow Wing County
Rosemary Franzen, County Commissioner
VACANT, Municipalities
Doug Kern, Town Boards
Tad Erickson, City of Brainerd
Morrison County
Greg Blaine, County Commissioner
VACANT, Municipalities
Chuck Parins, Town Boards
Todd County
Barb Becker, County Commissioner
Debra Nelson, Municipalities
Julie Polak, Town Boards
Wadena County
Ron Noon, County Commissioner
David A. Anderson, Municipalities
VACANT, Town Boards
Public Interest
Hara Charlier Higher Education
Steve Hall, Camp Ripley
Taran Skwira, Emerging Leader
Diane Jacobson, SWCD
Sally Fineday Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Amy Sjoblad, R5 School Board Rep
Andrea Haverinen, R5 School Board Rep
Chrys Kirschbaum, MN Workforce Development
*Current as of June 1, 2024.
RDC board membership is comprised of elected officials from townships, cities, counties, school boards, and public interest groups per statute 462.388.
Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) is a five-county Regional Development Commission (RDC) established in 1973 under the Minnesota Regional Development Act of 1969 (MS Sections 462.381 to 462.398). The Act defines the boundaries, membership, operating principals and the specific duties and powers of an RDC. There are nine Regional Development Commissions in Minnesota covering 63 counties, forming the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations.
RDCs provide a variety of technical assistance services to the local units of government based on the individual needs of their region. They partner with numerous state and federal agencies, obtaining and administering grants for programs and projects at the local level, and are recognized for their fiscal responsibility and capabilities in professional program management.