Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) is currently seeking 10 projects to include as Vital Projects in their Comprehensive Regional Economic Development Strategy (CREDS). The project submissions will be prioritized by a group of diverse regional leaders from the private, public & non-profit sectors. The committee will select projects with regional significance that create economic vitality, environmental stewardship and quality of life.
Vital Projects listed in the CREDS document allows access to U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) funding as well as other federal grant programs. Being listed in this document shows alignment to a regional plan which is favorable to most Federal, State or Local funding agencies. Projects will be shared with multiple funding agencies to encourage these partners to invest in projects meeting regional goals.
Vital Projects and ideas are accepted until August 30, 2020. To submit an application, please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Vitalprojects2020. The R5DC Comprehensive Regional Economic Development Strategy Committee (CREDS) meets in October to review and prioritize projects, followed by a 30-day comment period. Please contact Staci Headley at sheadley@regionfive.org or 218-894-3233 for details.
To learn more about the 2016-2021 CREDS, visit www.eda.gov/ceds or www.regionfive.org/creds.
About Region Five Development Commission
Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) is a high-performing, regionally focused partner providing community development, economic development, and transportation initiatives in central Minnesota. R5DC programs are strategic and resilient in nature, and contain an inclusive and collaborative approach, with an emphasis on local foods/agricultural and renewable energy economy. Learn more at regionfive.org.